



Horse Training Information

How to Train a Horse

Horseback Riding

Riding Styles

Riding History

Horse Health

Horse Behavior

Horse Colors and Markings

Horse & Pony Breeds

Mixed Breeds

Horse Types

Getting your first horse or pony

Horse Facts

Horse Farrier

Horse Floater

Horse Tack and Supplies

Assateauge Island


Cats & Rats

Cloverleaf Stables

Brandywine Horse Club

Farm Animals

Horse Music Videos

Silly Animals

Vacation Riding

Site Updates

Privacy Policy


Maguire Farm


Horse Behavior
Why do horses do the things they do?

Have you ever wondered why your horse changed when you bought him or why he spooks at everything? Here at HorsesWithAmie I try to provide answers to all your horse behavior questions! Learn different signs that horses use to tell you something and why they do the things they do!

Do you have any questions? Do you have a picture of a horse doing one of these behaviors?

Send your questions and pictures to

A horse reflects his handler

How to fix a "gate sour" horse

How to desensitize a horse- Plastic bags

How to stop a horse from bolting through the gate to the field.

Why horses kick when approached from the rear

Why horses pace, chew wood (crib) and bite themselves

Why horses "spook" at things

Why horses drink from muddy puddles

Signs of a sore, injured or unhappy horse

Why horses eat poisonous plants and die

Why horses paw or want to roll when crossing creeks

Why horses breath into other horses nostrils

Why horses fight with herd mates but refuse to leave each other

Why horses behave better for the trainer than for you

Why horses squeal and strike other horses

Why baby horses "clack" there teeth

Why horses raise their upper lip in a "horse laugh"

Why horses bite other horses knees

Why horses rear

Why horses buck

Why horses dislike trailer rides

why horses hate to load in the trailer

Why horses "Nicker" when being fed

Why horses whinny or neigh

Why horses blow and snort out there nose

Why horses are easy to domesticate

Why horses go lame

Why horses change after you buy them

Why horses refuse to move forward





The Material contained herein may not be reproduced without the prior written approval of the author. Contents & Graphics Copyright © Horses With Amie (C) 2006-. All Rights Reserved. Our work is not Public Domain.