Getting your first horse or pony
January 1st 2012 Update Scooters barrel racing training is coming along very well! It has been one year and about four months since I got Scooter. I have taken him to two Martha Josey Barrel Racing Clinics and a couple local shows so he can get used to all the sights and sounds. I will be eligible for my Women's Professional Rodeo Association (WPRA) permit for the First Frontier Circut in the coming season since I will be turning 18 this month. In March, I will be attendng another Josey Barrel Racing Clinic and will be using that as a marker for where Scooter stands in his training and also a deciding factor for if I go ahead and buy a permit. I may stick to local National Barrel Racing Association (NBHA) shows for Scooters first season out. So far Scooter has been very well behaved everywhere I take him and he just needs the experience of competition under him. Lets see what 2012 holds for us! I have been doing a lot of natural horsemanship with Scooter. I am now able to ride him bareback and bridleless in my round pen. I can also have him stand nicely for me while I stand up on him. _________ Desensitizing a Horse- Plastic Bags is an article I wrote about how I got Scooter to not spook at plastic bags. Read and learn how you can apply it with your own horse!
Training a Horse | Horse Behavior | Appendix Horse
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