Getting your first horse or pony
Buttercup The name Ranunculus, which is a buttercup, is latin for "little frog". This is said to have gotten its name becasue they are often found by water, like frogs. They are very common in damp meadows, pastures and gardens. The buttercup is predominantly a yellow flower but some are white with a yellow center. Usually there are five petals, some however, have six. The buttercup is a spring flower that can still grow throughout the sumer as well.
Toxic to Horses The buttercup is a poisonous plant that is harmful to horses, ponies, cattle and other grazing animals. They have an acrid taste and blister the mouth which makes them undesirable to eat. Horses and cattle will stear clear of this flower unless there is little food available to them so they eat it out of desperation. Buttercups are only harmful when fresh so hay containing dried buttercups is safe for farm animals. Symptoms If an animal consumes to many buttercups they may experience bloody diarrhea, excessive salivation, colic, and severe blistering of the mucous membranes and stomach. Multiple symptoms may occur at a time or it may just be one.
Poisonous Plants | Horse Health
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